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additionalProperty(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets an additional property not available through the builder interface.
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
anonymousAuth() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Enables anonymous authentication.
auth(DirContextSource.Auth) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the authentication scheme.


binaryAttributes(String...) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets those attributes which will be returned as byte[] instead of String.
build() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Builds a DirContextSource and marks this builder as non-modifiable for future use.
Builder(String...) - Constructor for class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Constructs a new builder for DirContextSource with anonymous authentication.


contextFactory(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the context factory for this directory context.


debug() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Enables the redirection of the LDAP debug output to System.err.
debug(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Enables or disables the redirection of the LDAP debug output to System.err.
debug(OutputStream) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Redirects the LDAP debug output to an OutputStream.
DirContextSource - Class in net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc
A JNDI directory context factory returning ready-to-use DirContext objects.
DirContextSource - Class in net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring
A Spring LDAP ContextSource wrapper for DirContextSource.
DirContextSource(String...) - Constructor for class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
DirContextSource.Auth - Enum in net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc
Enum containing all supported authentication mechanisms.
DirContextSource.Builder - Class in net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc
A builder to construct a DirContextSource with a fluent interface.
DirContextSourceFactory - Class in net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc
An object factory for creating DirContextSource instances backed by a DirContextSource.Builder.
DirContextSourceFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory


getAnonymousDirContext() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource
getContext(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
getDirContext() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource
Returns a ready-to-use DirContext.
getGssApiDirContext() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource
getObjectInstance(Object, Name, Context, Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
getProperty(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
getReadOnlyContext() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
getReadWriteContext() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
gssApiAuth() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Enables GSS-API authentication with a default login entry name.
gssApiAuth(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Enables GSS-API authentication with a custom login entry name.


KRB5_MECHANISM - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource


loginEntryName(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the login entry name for GSS-API authentication.


mutualAuth() - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Enables the mutual authentication between client and directory server.
mutualAuth(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Enables or disables the mutual authentication between client and directory server.


net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc - package net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc
The base package for DirContextSource.
net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring - package net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring
The base package for DirContextSource wrappers for the Spring Framework.


objectFactories(String...) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the object factories for this directory context.


PROP_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_AUTH - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_BINARY_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_DEBUG - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_LOGIN_ENTRY_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_MUTUAL_AUTH - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_OBJECT_FACTORIES - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_QOP - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_REFERRAL - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_RETRIES - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_RETRY_WAIT - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROP_URLS - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
properties - Variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory
PROPERTIES_NAMES - Static variable in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSourceFactory


qop(String...) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the quality of protection in preference order with which the connection to the directory server is secured.


referral(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the referral handling strategy.
retries(int) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the number or connection retries.
retryWait(int) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Builder
Sets the wait interval between reconnections.


setAdditionalProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setAuth(DirContextSource.Auth) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setBinaryAttributes(String...) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setContextFactory(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setLoginEntryName(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setMutualAuth(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setQop(String...) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setReferral(String) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setRetries(int) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource
setRetryWait(int) - Method in class net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.spring.DirContextSource


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Auth
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.michaelo.dirctxsrc.DirContextSource.Auth
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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